Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by my cousin Lindsey. Here are the rules to being tagged:

-List the rules of being tagged on your blog

-List 6 of your quirks

-Tag 6 other bloggers

-Make sure you link the person who tagged you
1. One thing that I do that I don't even understand is that I have to get ready before I go to bed. And I am not meaning that I have to get ready for bed. I mean that I like to make sure I look pretty before I go to sleep. This has nothing to do with Brandon or anyone else but myself. I can be the only one home, and I will make sure my hair and face look good before I go to get in bed just to mess it all up when I sleep. Call me crazy but it is something I have done for so long, and I am not sure why. Who knows maybe it helps me feel good about myself so that I can sleep better haha.

2. I love to drink out of the jug. It makes the milk taste so much better. I can not drink milk out of a glass, it taste to milky. But if it is in a jug I love it!

3. I have to stay up until I can't think of anything else to do. I love to sleep, but I hate going to bed. I will channel surf for hours-- no joke hours on end-- just trying to find something to watch that won't put me to sleep. If there is nothing on t.v. I hit the Internet. I hate waking up in the morning, and I love naps, so its kinda ironic that I have to be bored out of my mind to finally get myself to go to bed lol.

4. I don't like to talk on the phone but I love calling people. I make so many phone calls a day its crazy, but the second I get somebody on the phone I try to get off as fast as I can. I like to ask questions and then hang up. I think of more questions and then call back. It drives Brandon insane whenever we are traveling. I will call everybody and their dog and ask like two questions then say okay bye. After I get through talking to everybody I think of new questions and start over.

5. I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs. NO MATTER WHAT!

6. And of course last but not least. I am obsessed with everyone's hair. It does not matter what they are doing. They could be going to prom, getting married, going to the gym, or just sitting around the house. If their hair is out of place or looks weird I will fix it. Most of the time I don't say anything; I just walk over to my friends or my family and start fixing their hair. It does not matter if they want it done or not. It will drive me insane to look at it and not fix it. The weird thing about it is that I could have the worst hair ever and not care but at the same time be freaking out about somebody else's. I worry more about everyone else's appearance than I do about my own. (Unless I am going to bed lol!!) It would be nice if somebody had my back. We always joke that Lindsey is the tooth Nazi and I am the hair Nazi.

I tag Randi, April, and Kenzee.

(I know that's only three but everyone else has already been tagged.)


Nate said...

you are weird about the phone....i will be sure to answer your questions then hang up and wait for your next call...fyi my hair looks good as usual....

Kenzee Jo said...

Cute beck...I enjoyed reading this. I was waiting for you to say somethings about hair. You always have done that. Either to fix or to just touch. :]

Randi said...

ah man, this is a hard tag. I'm really gonna have to think about this one :) But, I loved your answers, they made me laugh. Then after reading your comment about how you're obsessed with hair, I thought, "oh boy, if only she new what mine looked like right now...you just might have a freak attack." I need you Becky!!!

The Mecham Family said...

Ok, you and Lindsey have the funniest quirks! I love it!