Okay I am finally getting around to posting about our life on the ranch. It has been fun living on the ranch again. It is so different. I love the peacefulness and it is the most beautiful place on earth. I also love being close to my family. It has been fun being with my sister Crystal. I love having somebody to hang out with all day everyday. The girls love the ranch and playing with their cousins. Mariah is so funny she loves Bob (my parents dog), and Keno one of the many horses my parents have. Kiana loves to see the animals and has warmed up a lot to Bob and Keno but doesn't want anything to do with the other animals unless she is safe in the house. Mariah would be outside with the animals all day everyday if we let her. Brandon is surviving, he is actually doing a lot better than I thought he would. He is staying busy so he doesn't have much time to be bored :), plus he works in town so he gets to go to the store everyday if he wants to. I am going to post a few pictures of the ranch and some fun things we have done.
Mariah on her first horse ride......she loved it:)

Kiana did a lot better on this ride than any of her other rides but she still wanted off really early

Me with my nephew KaeJay.....KaeJay and Mariah got upset when they had to get off

My cute daddy branding the poor calf

My cute cowboy husband

It took one on each leg to hold this calf down
My sister Nina and Nephew KaeJay watching the show

Me getting the shots ready for the bulls

The kids were playing in the front yard and Hewey (the horse) decided to come say hi.

Kiana got to go on a field trip with my old elementary school
I had to get a picture of her on her first bus trip.....she is so grown up.